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sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2010

Education for freedom!

For the tattered people of world and those who find themselves in them and thus finding himself, suffer with them, but most importantly, they fight together them.

This sentence begins the work of Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Opressed.

I remember the first time I saw this book in a bookshelf supermarket in Sao Paulo.

I was not aware at the time (20 years ago) about the importance of this work has for educators in Brazil and the world.

Especially, I had no idea of the importance that this work would take my own life.

The reading I just came from a new perspective. I began to understand why we need change the action of educating.

Why should transmute the opressive education in a education for freedom!

I began to understand the fear of freedom and because it is hard to disagree.

Disagree in Brazil mean to be against an enemy!

Disagree should be simply disagree...

I situate myself as well as man of the world. I knew not only in Brazil, but wourldwide people loose track of the context which they live.

At one point, the author describes the following passage: projected images of sad pictures of any street, was asket to a group of workers in developed country, if they
could identify the place.

Pratically everyone has said it is far from third world country!

The counselor asked them to open the window, they observed the street where they were. They realized it is terrified of the street projected onto the screen.

I definitely understand the difference between map and territory!

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